When you take a loan, and you have to pay back more than you took, what do you call that extra money you pay?
All in SG Quality
When you take a loan, and you have to pay back more than you took, what do you call that extra money you pay?
It's time to set aside everything you know about Savings Group bookkeeping, security, procedures and cash management. Open your mind VERY wide while you read this article.
Okay, this is NOT the oldest group in the world. But it's good to see a group that is eight years old, in its 16th cycle, and still going strong.
I had the pleasure of being at the end of a distinguished chain passing along a new study.
Weren’t we saying the same things about microcredit in the 1980’s and ’90’s? And then… didn’t things turn a little, uh, sour?
Savings Group promoters keep looking for a New Thing, a product or service that will respond to the question “What’s Next”
I recently was asked to read a draft of an academic paper on the pitfalls of microcredit and the virtues of savings groups. The paper ...
I saw this Savings Group (formed by Cadecom) in Mchinji District in Malawi earlier this week. It was ...
I have been asking the question, “How do you measure quality in a Savings Group?”