Great Review, Great Book

Great Review, Great Book

Here’s a link to an excellent review of In Their Own Hands: How Savings Groups are Revolutionizing Development, by Jeffrey Ashe and Kyla Jagger Neilan - just published in the Enterprise Development and Microfinance journal. It begins:

The spread and success of savings groups may not be news for
financial inclusion and enterprise development practitioners.
However, in their recent book – In Their Own Hands: How Savings
Groups are Revolutionizing Development – microfinance and savings

group pioneer Jeffrey Ashe and colleague Kyla Jagger Neilan inspire us with the vision, the history, the statistics, and the stories of savings groups, a simple mechanism that is catalysing poverty reduction for millions worldwide.  

Does the review make you want to read the book? 

Good! You can get it here.

Let's Look Before We Leap

Let's Look Before We Leap

The Savings Group Tiger and the Banking Shark

The Savings Group Tiger and the Banking Shark