When you take a loan, and you have to pay back more than you took, what do you call that extra money you pay?
When you take a loan, and you have to pay back more than you took, what do you call that extra money you pay?
It's time to set aside everything you know about Savings Group bookkeeping, security, procedures and cash management. Open your mind VERY wide while you read this article.
Are you in a Savings Group at the same time you have a bank account? Please let us know why!
Because Savings Groups are made up of real people, they may not compute the t share out the way our models tell us they should...
Can savings groups help their members ride out shocks? Yes, a little. But they could be doing a lot better.
If we are to believe the investment itch to fund all things digital, savings groups go the way of vacuum tubes.
This month's featured article is on using video to train Savings Groups. Yes, it's time to do that.
I was reading Paul’s blog post Tool vs. the Machine and had a few thoughts.
Okay, this is NOT the oldest group in the world. But it's good to see a group that is eight years old, in its 16th cycle, and still going strong.
People believe what you say, especially the very first thing you say...
In an earlier post, I tried, without success, to use bitcoin. Prior to writing that post, I was a believer in this new counterculture currency.
GODIAMU’s staff include women who were there in the very first days of MMD - I felt honored to be in their presence!
Inclusionistas rest assured. You don’t need to know too much about bitcoin to know that it is not a financial inclusion option.
Some folks thinks there is nothing controversial about Financial Inclusion. Banks don't hurt people, do they?
Micro-insurance is great, but what does it cost?
Here's a Facebook page I'm happy to recommend...
Here's what I love about CRS's PSP model, and - at the very end - a few reservations...
The essence of Savings Groups is not bookkeeping. In fact, bookkeeping is kinda a drag for most people...